# import libraries
import folium
from folium import plugins
import ipywidgets
import geocoder
import geopy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from vega_datasets import data as vds
# initiate map
map1 = folium.Map(location=[41.8781, -87.6298], zoom_start=10, width=500, height=300, control_scale=True)
# load airports
airports = vds.airports()
# load zipcodes, narrow to IL
zipcodes = vds.zipcodes()
zipcodes[zipcodes['state']== 'IL']
zip_code | latitude | longitude | city | state | county | |
25988 | 60001 | 42.324761 | -88.452481 | Alden | IL | Mchenry |
25989 | 60002 | 42.451419 | -88.075733 | Antioch | IL | Lake |
25990 | 60004 | 42.085626 | -87.998220 | Arlington Heights | IL | Cook |
25991 | 60005 | 42.060928 | -87.883073 | Arlington Heights | IL | Cook |
25992 | 60006 | 41.811929 | -87.687320 | Arlington Heights | IL | Cook |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
27573 | 62995 | 37.424170 | -88.898049 | Vienna | IL | Johnson |
27574 | 62996 | 37.164229 | -89.170924 | Villa Ridge | IL | Pulaski |
27575 | 62997 | 37.984776 | -89.589862 | Willisville | IL | Perry |
27576 | 62998 | 37.509618 | -89.424913 | Wolf Lake | IL | Union |
27577 | 62999 | 37.899054 | -89.052317 | Zeigler | IL | Franklin |
1590 rows × 6 columns
# columns of zipcode dataframe
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 42049 entries, 0 to 42048 Data columns (total 6 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 zip_code 42049 non-null object 1 latitude 42049 non-null float64 2 longitude 42049 non-null float64 3 city 42049 non-null object 4 state 42049 non-null object 5 county 42049 non-null object dtypes: float64(2), object(4) memory usage: 1.9+ MB
# multiple markers using dictionary
markers_dict = {'The Loop' : [41.8786, -87.6251],
'River North' : [41.8924, -87.6341],
'Streeterville' : [41.8927, -87.6200],
'West Loop': [41.8854, -87.6627],
"O'Hare" : [41.9773, -87.8369]}
# create map
map_cities = folium.Map(location=[41.9, -87.6], zoom_start=12)
# plot locations
for i in markers_dict.items():
folium.Marker(location=i[1], popup=i[0], icon=folium.Icon(color='green', icon='car', prefix='fa')
# measure control
measure_control = plugins.MeasureControl(position='topleft', active_color='blue', completed_color='green', primary_length_unit='miles')
# add measure control to map
# display map
# save maps
map_cities.save('/Users/XIX/Documents/coding/projects/Project 6 - Data Collection and Storage/Zuber-Web-Scrapping/figures/map_cities.html')
map_cities.save('/Users/XIX/Documents/coding/projects/Project 6 - Data Collection and Storage/Zuber-Web-Scrapping/figures/map_cities.jpg')
# get location data from dataset
loop = [41.8786, -87.6251, 10727.47 * 1000]
river_north = [41.8924, -87.6341,9523.67 * 1000]
streeterville = [41.8927, -87.6200,6664.67 * 1000]
west_loop = [41.8854, -87.6627, 5163.66 * 1000]
ohare = [41.9773, -87.8369, 2546.9 * 1000]
# create list of cities
dropoff_cities = [loop, river_north, streeterville, west_loop, ohare]
map_heatmap = folium.Map([41.9, -87.6], tiles='CartoDB Positron', zoom_start=12)