Zuber is a new ride-sharing company that is launching in Chicago. We are tasked to find patterns in the available information. The goal of the project is to understand passenger passenger preferences and the impact of external factors on rides. Working with the database, we will analyze data from competitors and test a hypothesis about the impact of weather on ride frequency.
We hypothesize that ride frequency increases with bad weather, and less rides are requested when the weather is good. As a large metropolitan city, Chicago is fairly walkable, when the weather permits. Bad weather may cause people to hail a ride, rather than walk or bike in the elements.
# import libraries
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy import stats as st
import numpy as np
# web scrape data
URL = 'https://code.s3.yandex.net/data-analyst-eng/chicago_weather_2017.html'
req = requests.get(URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml')
table = soup.find('table', attrs={"id": "weather_records"})
for row in table.find_all('th'):
for row in table.find_all('tr'):
if not row.find_all('th'):
content.append([element.text for element in row.find_all('td')])
weather_records = pd.DataFrame(content, columns = heading_table)
Date and time Temperature Description 0 2017-11-01 00:00:00 276.150 broken clouds 1 2017-11-01 01:00:00 275.700 scattered clouds 2 2017-11-01 02:00:00 275.610 overcast clouds 3 2017-11-01 03:00:00 275.350 broken clouds 4 2017-11-01 04:00:00 275.240 broken clouds .. ... ... ... 692 2017-11-29 20:00:00 281.340 few clouds 693 2017-11-29 21:00:00 281.690 sky is clear 694 2017-11-29 22:00:00 281.070 few clouds 695 2017-11-29 23:00:00 280.060 sky is clear 696 2017-11-30 00:00:00 278.460 sky is clear [697 rows x 3 columns]
# read dataframes
df_1 = pd.read_csv('datasets/project_sql_result_01.csv')
df_2 = pd.read_csv('datasets/project_sql_result_04.csv')
df_3 = pd.read_csv('datasets/project_sql_result_07.csv')
# Overview of data
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 64 entries, 0 to 63 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 company_name 64 non-null object 1 trips_amount 64 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(1), object(1) memory usage: 1.1+ KB
# Looking for missing values
company_name 0 trips_amount 0 dtype: int64
# Looking for duplicates
# Looking at different company names
array(['Flash Cab', 'Taxi Affiliation Services', 'Medallion Leasin', 'Yellow Cab', 'Taxi Affiliation Service Yellow', 'Chicago Carriage Cab Corp', 'City Service', 'Sun Taxi', 'Star North Management LLC', 'Blue Ribbon Taxi Association Inc.', 'Choice Taxi Association', 'Globe Taxi', 'Dispatch Taxi Affiliation', 'Nova Taxi Affiliation Llc', 'Patriot Taxi Dba Peace Taxi Associat', 'Checker Taxi Affiliation', 'Blue Diamond', 'Chicago Medallion Management', '24 Seven Taxi', 'Chicago Medallion Leasing INC', 'Checker Taxi', 'American United', 'Chicago Independents', 'KOAM Taxi Association', 'Chicago Taxicab', 'Top Cab Affiliation', 'Gold Coast Taxi', 'Service Taxi Association', '5 Star Taxi', '303 Taxi', 'Setare Inc', 'American United Taxi Affiliation', 'Leonard Cab Co', 'Metro Jet Taxi A', 'Norshore Cab', '6742 - 83735 Tasha ride inc', '3591 - 63480 Chuks Cab', '1469 - 64126 Omar Jada', '6743 - 78771 Luhak Corp', '0118 - 42111 Godfrey S.Awir', '6574 - Babylon Express Inc.', 'Chicago Star Taxicab', '1085 - 72312 N and W Cab Co', '2809 - 95474 C & D Cab Co Inc.', '2092 - 61288 Sbeih company', '3011 - 66308 JBL Cab Inc.', '3620 - 52292 David K. Cab Corp.', '4615 - 83503 Tyrone Henderson', '3623 - 72222 Arrington Enterprises', '5074 - 54002 Ahzmi Inc', '2823 - 73307 Lee Express Inc', '4623 - 27290 Jay Kim', '3721 - Santamaria Express, Alvaro Santamaria', '5006 - 39261 Salifu Bawa', '2192 - 73487 Zeymane Corp', '6057 - 24657 Richard Addo', '5997 - 65283 AW Services Inc.', 'Metro Group', '5062 - 34841 Sam Mestas', '4053 - 40193 Adwar H. Nikola', '2733 - 74600 Benny Jona', '5874 - 73628 Sergey Cab Corp.', '2241 - 44667 - Felman Corp, Manuel Alonso', '3556 - 36214 RC Andrews Cab'], dtype=object)
# Top 20 comapnies by trips amount
df_1.sort_values(by='trips_amount', ascending=False).head(20)
company_name | trips_amount | |
0 | Flash Cab | 19558 |
1 | Taxi Affiliation Services | 11422 |
2 | Medallion Leasin | 10367 |
3 | Yellow Cab | 9888 |
4 | Taxi Affiliation Service Yellow | 9299 |
5 | Chicago Carriage Cab Corp | 9181 |
6 | City Service | 8448 |
7 | Sun Taxi | 7701 |
8 | Star North Management LLC | 7455 |
9 | Blue Ribbon Taxi Association Inc. | 5953 |
10 | Choice Taxi Association | 5015 |
11 | Globe Taxi | 4383 |
12 | Dispatch Taxi Affiliation | 3355 |
13 | Nova Taxi Affiliation Llc | 3175 |
14 | Patriot Taxi Dba Peace Taxi Associat | 2235 |
15 | Checker Taxi Affiliation | 2216 |
16 | Blue Diamond | 2070 |
17 | Chicago Medallion Management | 1955 |
18 | 24 Seven Taxi | 1775 |
19 | Chicago Medallion Leasing INC | 1607 |
Data looks clean. No alterations are needed. We do not have missing values or duplicates.
# Overview of data
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 94 entries, 0 to 93 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 dropoff_location_name 94 non-null object 1 average_trips 94 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), object(1) memory usage: 1.6+ KB
# Looking for missing values
dropoff_location_name 0 average_trips 0 dtype: int64
# looking for duplicates
# looking at different drop off locations
array(['Loop', 'River North', 'Streeterville', 'West Loop', "O'Hare", 'Lake View', 'Grant Park', 'Museum Campus', 'Gold Coast', 'Sheffield & DePaul', 'Lincoln Park', 'East Village', 'Little Italy, UIC', 'Uptown', 'Near South Side', 'Garfield Ridge', 'Logan Square', 'Edgewater', 'West Town', 'Old Town', 'Rush & Division', 'North Center', 'Lincoln Square', 'Rogers Park', 'West Ridge', 'Irving Park', 'Hyde Park', 'Avondale', 'Wicker Park', 'Albany Park', 'United Center', 'Lower West Side', 'Douglas', 'Portage Park', 'Humboldt Park', 'Norwood Park', 'Kenwood', 'Bridgeport', 'Armour Square', 'Jefferson Park', 'Bucktown', 'North Park', 'Garfield Park', 'Mckinley Park', 'Belmont Cragin', 'Boystown', 'Chinatown', 'Grand Boulevard', 'Austin', 'Sauganash,Forest Glen', 'South Shore', 'Woodlawn', 'Little Village', 'Jackson Park', 'North Lawndale', 'Dunning', 'Ukrainian Village', 'Hermosa', 'Englewood', 'Chatham', 'New City', 'Grand Crossing', 'Brighton Park', 'Andersonville', 'Oakland', 'Ashburn', 'Washington Park', 'Auburn Gresham', 'Clearing', 'Roseland', 'Wrigleyville', 'Edison Park', 'South Chicago', 'Chicago Lawn', 'Beverly', 'Calumet Heights', 'Washington Heights', 'Archer Heights', 'Gage Park', 'Fuller Park', 'West Lawn', 'Morgan Park', 'South Deering', 'Avalon Park', 'West Pullman', 'Montclare', 'West Elsdon', 'Pullman', 'Undef', 'Mount Greenwood', 'Hegewisch', 'Burnside', 'East Side', 'Riverdale'], dtype=object)
Data looks clean. No alterations are needed. We do not have missing values or duplicates.
# Change start_ts to datetime format
df_3['start_ts'] = pd.to_datetime(df_3['start_ts'])
# looking at types of start, and other columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1068 entries, 0 to 1067 Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 start_ts 1068 non-null datetime64[ns] 1 weather_conditions 1068 non-null object 2 duration_seconds 1068 non-null float64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), object(1) memory usage: 25.2+ KB
# looking at unique weather conditions
array(['Good', 'Bad'], dtype=object)
# Feature engineering
df_3['day'] = df_3['start_ts'].dt.day
df_3['hour'] = df_3['start_ts'].dt.hour
df_3['duration_seconds'] = df_3['duration_seconds']/60
df_3.rename(columns={'duration_seconds': 'duration_minutes'}, inplace=True)
We added columns to the dataframe by extracting time values.
# Top 10 Taxi Companies
px.bar(df_1.head(10), x='company_name', y='trips_amount', title='Top 10 Taxi Companies', height=900)
# Top 10 Taxi Companies share
px.pie(df_1.head(10), names='company_name', values='trips_amount', height=900, title='Top 10 Taxi Companies')
Flash Cab is the most popular taxi company by far. Flash had nearly twice as many trips as the second place competitor, Taxi Affiliation Services. AMong the top 10 companies, Flash Cab takes 19.7% of the trips.
# Top 10 Drop Off Locations
px.bar(df_2.head(10), x='dropoff_location_name', y='average_trips', title='Top 10 Drop Off Locations', height=900)
# Top 10 Dropoff Locations share
px.pie(df_2.head(10), names='dropoff_location_name', values='average_trips', title='Top 10 Dropoff Locations', height=900)
The Loop is the most popular drop-off location, followed by River North, Streeterville, and the West Loop. These locations represent the downtown Chicago area. O'Hare is the fifth most popular drop-off location. This is interesting, because the international airport is located in this area. This suggests there is a more popular means of transportation to the airport, which could be via bus or train. With regard to the drop-off percentage among the top 10 locations, The Loop and River North take up roughly half of the average share of trips.
# summary statistics on ride duration
count 1068.000000 mean 34.528855 std 12.824352 min 0.000000 25% 23.970833 50% 33.000000 75% 43.000000 max 124.000000 Name: duration_minutes, dtype: float64
# Correlation of duration with day and hour
duration_minutes | day | hour | |
duration_minutes | 1.000000 | -0.159101 | 0.588227 |
day | -0.159101 | 1.000000 | -0.058946 |
hour | 0.588227 | -0.058946 | 1.000000 |
We see a weak correlation between the ride duration and the hour of the day.
# Extracting weather conditions
weather_conditions = df_3['weather_conditions'].value_counts()
# Getting hourly weather conditions
hourly_weather = df_3.groupby('weather_conditions')['hour'].value_counts().reset_index(level=0)
hourly_weather = hourly_weather.rename(columns={'hour': 'count'})
# getting daily weather conditions
dayly_weather = df_3.groupby('weather_conditions')['day'].value_counts().reset_index(level=0)
dayly_weather = dayly_weather.rename(columns={'day': 'count'})
# Ride duration based on weather
duration_weather = df_3.groupby('weather_conditions')['duration_minutes'].value_counts().reset_index(level=0)
duration_weather = duration_weather.rename(columns={'duration_minutes': 'count'})
duration_weather = duration_weather.reset_index()
# Weather Conditions
px.bar(weather_conditions, title='Weather Conditions', color_discrete_sequence=[['blue', 'red']])
# weather conditions by the hour
px.bar(hourly_weather, y='count', title='Weather Conditions', color='weather_conditions', height=700 )
# Weather Conditions by Day
px.bar(dayly_weather, y='count', title='Weather Conditions by Day', color='weather_conditions', height=700 )
# Ride Durations
px.scatter(duration_weather, x='duration_minutes', y='count', color='weather_conditions', title='Ride Durations', height=700)
Our earlier hypothesis on the number of rides and weather conditions was wrong. More rides are observed when the weather was good, compared to when the weather was bad; 888 good to 180 bad. The number of rides appears to be normally distributed around noon, and diminishes late in the evening and early in the morning. On the 11th and the 25th, all rides experienced good weather, yet the number of rides favors the 11th. Rides on the 4th and the 18th both experienced good and bad weather, yet, the 4th saw more rides between the two dates. November 10th saw the most rides in the data, and the weather was good that day. The overall average ride duration is 34 minutes, and the maximum overall is 124 minutes.
# List of ride durations on good days
good = df_3[df_3['weather_conditions'] == 'Good']
good = good['duration_minutes'].reset_index(drop=True)
good_list = good.to_list()
# Summary statistics of good days
count 888.000000 mean 33.327928 std 12.653304 min 0.000000 25% 23.162500 50% 30.000000 75% 41.000000 max 124.000000 Name: duration_minutes, dtype: float64
# List of ride durations on bad days
bad = df_3[df_3['weather_conditions'] == 'Bad']
bad = bad['duration_minutes'].reset_index(drop=True)
bad_list = bad.to_list()
# Summary statistics of bad days
count 180.000000 mean 40.453426 std 12.021902 min 8.000000 25% 32.700000 50% 42.333333 75% 48.800000 max 83.000000 Name: duration_minutes, dtype: float64
alpha = 0.05 # critical statistical significance level
# if the p-value is less than alpha, we reject the hypothesis
results = st.ttest_ind(good_list, bad_list)
print('p-value: ', results.pvalue)
if results.pvalue < alpha:
print("We reject the null hypothesis, the average duration of rides from the Loop to O'hare International Airport are different")
print("We can't reject the null hypothesis, the average duration of rides from the Loop to O'hare International Airport are the same")
p-value: 6.517970327099781e-12 We reject the null hypothesis, the average duration of rides from the Loop to O'hare International Airport are different
Hypothesis testing confirms weather plays a crucial role in determining the average ride duration from the Loop to O'hare International. Bad weather conditions change the average ride duration. The data shows that downtown areas are popular drop-off locations. The data also shows that more rides were observed on days when the weather was good. Overall, Zuber should incentivize their drivers to participate when the weather is good. We should also target areas that are within a 34 minute driving radius on a good day, and a 40 minute driving radius from downtown Chicago on a bad day.