The purpose of this project is to find the best location for a our customer, OilyGiant, to place a new well for mining oil. We are given oil well parameters in three distinct regions, upon which we will use to create our linear regression model. The model will predict the volume of reserves in the new wells, and the region with the highest total profit will be chosen for the new well.
# Import Libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error as mse, r2_score
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats as st
# Read datasets
df0 = pd.read_csv('datasets/geo_data_0.csv')
df1 = pd.read_csv('datasets/geo_data_1.csv')
df2 = pd.read_csv('datasets/geo_data_2.csv')
# Shape of datasets
(100000, 5) (100000, 5) (100000, 5)
# Check for missing values
id 0 f0 0 f1 0 f2 0 product 0 dtype: int64 id 0 f0 0 f1 0 f2 0 product 0 dtype: int64 id 0 f0 0 f1 0 f2 0 product 0 dtype: int64
# Check for duplicates
0 0 0
# correlation between features and target
print('First dataset:')
# correlation between features and target
print('Second dataset:')
print( df1.corr()['product'])
# correlation between features and target
print('Third dataset:')
First dataset: f0 0.143536 f1 -0.192356 f2 0.483663 product 1.000000 Name: product, dtype: float64 Second dataset: f0 -0.030491 f1 -0.010155 f2 0.999397 product 1.000000 Name: product, dtype: float64 Third dataset: f0 -0.001987 f1 -0.001012 f2 0.445871 product 1.000000 Name: product, dtype: float64
Data did not need to be cleaned, as there were neither missing values nor duplicates found. This is crucial, as our models cannot run with missing or duplicates.
99990 99996 99996
Most ID's are unique.
# First dataset
target_0 = df0['product']
features_0 = df0.drop(['product', 'id'], axis=1)
# Second dataset
target_1 = df1['product']
features_1 = df1.drop(['product', 'id'], axis=1)
# Third dataset
target_2 = df2['product']
features_2 = df2.drop(['product', 'id'], axis=1)
Dropped the categorical id column in order to run the models
# Random state variable
random_state = 19
# Splitting data into train and valid sets, 75/25
# First dataset
features_train_0, features_valid_0, target_train_0, target_valid_0 = train_test_split(features_0, target_0, test_size=0.25, random_state=random_state)
# Second dataset
features_train_1, features_valid_1, target_train_1, target_valid_1 = train_test_split(features_1, target_1, test_size=0.25, random_state=random_state)
# Third dataset
features_train_2, features_valid_2, target_train_2, target_valid_2 = train_test_split(features_2, target_2, test_size=0.25, random_state=random_state)
# Shape of results
(75000, 3) (75000,) (25000, 3) (25000,)
# Model Function
def linear_model(ft, tt, fv, tv, n): # features_train, target_train, features_valid, target_valid, dataset number
model = LinearRegression(), tt) # train model on training set
predictions_valid = model.predict(fv) # get model predictions on validation set
result = mse(tv, predictions_valid) ** 0.5 # calculate RMSE on validation set
print('RMSE of the linear regression model on the validation set:', result)
print('Dataset number :', (n))
print('R2 score: ', r2_score(tv, predictions_valid))
# Dataset 0
linear_model(features_train_0, target_train_0, features_valid_0, target_valid_0, 0)
RMSE of the linear regression model on the validation set: 37.489176404931385 Dataset number : 0 R2 score: 0.2800427586322962
# Dataset 1
linear_model(features_train_1, target_train_1, features_valid_1, target_valid_1, 1)
RMSE of the linear regression model on the validation set: 0.8949747975866225 Dataset number : 1 R2 score: 0.9996221715647515
# Dataset 2
linear_model(features_train_2, target_train_2, features_valid_2, target_valid_2, 2)
RMSE of the linear regression model on the validation set: 40.03911711877307 Dataset number : 2 R2 score: 0.19763128804301888
The linear model with the highest quality was with dataset 1. That model had a coefficient of determination, R^2, of .0999. This means the model almost perfectly predicts all the targets. This model also had the lowest RMSE. The models did not perform as well with datasets 0 and 2.
# Model 0
model_0 = LinearRegression(), target_train_0) # train model on training set
# Predictions for model 0
predictions_0 = model_0.predict(features_valid_0)
predictions_0 = pd.Series(predictions_0)
# Merged dataframe of target and predictions
merged_0 = pd.concat([target_valid_0.reset_index(drop=True), predictions_0], axis=1)
merged_0.columns = ['target', 'predictions']
# Model 1
model_1 = LinearRegression(), target_train_1) # train model on training set
# Predictions for model 1
predictions_1 = model_1.predict(features_valid_1)
predictions_1 = pd.Series(predictions_1)
# Merged dataframe of target and predictions
merged_1 = pd.concat([target_valid_1.reset_index(drop=True), predictions_1], axis=1)
merged_1.columns = ['target', 'predictions']
# Model 2
model_2 = LinearRegression(), target_train_2) # train model on training set
predictions_2 = model_2.predict(features_valid_2)
predictions_2 = pd.Series(predictions_2)
merged_2 = pd.concat([target_valid_2.reset_index(drop=True), predictions_2], axis=1)
merged_2.columns = ['target', 'predictions']
Here, we trained our models with the various datasets to create the predictions on well volume. We then merged these predictions to their corresponding targets to create one dataframe.
print('Mean Predictions 0:', predictions_0.mean(), ' ', 'Stdev Predictions 0:', predictions_0.std())
print('Mean Predictions 1:', predictions_1.mean(),' ', 'Stdev Predictions 1:', predictions_1.std())
print('Mean Predictions 2:', predictions_2.mean(), ' ', 'Stdev Predictions 2:', predictions_2.std())
Mean Predictions 0: 92.42951694121892 Stdev Predictions 0: 23.25461037847274 Mean Predictions 1: 68.68102185200009 Stdev Predictions 1: 46.0429779067258 Mean Predictions 2: 94.91135196705469 Stdev Predictions 2: 19.79760332480081
The budget for development of 200 oil wells is 100 USD million. One barrel of raw materials brings 4.5 USD of revenue The revenue from one unit of product is 4,500 dollars (volume of reserves is in thousand barrels). It appears that Region 2 has the highest average predicted well volume reserve.
# Comparing target and predictions of dataset 0
target 2.311242e+06 predictions 2.310738e+06 dtype: float64
# Comparing target and predictions of dataset 0
count | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 75% | max | |
target | 25000.0 | 92.449669 | 44.183614 | 0.000000 | 56.610227 | 91.61242 | 128.522832 | 185.355615 |
predictions | 25000.0 | 92.429517 | 23.254610 | -9.764724 | 76.659319 | 92.45290 | 108.449070 | 180.227277 |
# Comparing target and predictions of dataset 1
target 1.716792e+06 predictions 1.717026e+06 dtype: float64
# Comparing target and predictions of dataset 1
count | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 75% | max | |
target | 25000.0 | 68.671662 | 46.043907 | 0.000000 | 26.953261 | 57.085625 | 107.813044 | 137.945408 |
predictions | 25000.0 | 68.681022 | 46.042978 | -2.061922 | 28.391403 | 58.319042 | 109.280975 | 139.984148 |
# Comparing target and predictions of dataset 2
target 2.376934e+06 predictions 2.372784e+06 dtype: float64
# Comparing target and predictions of dataset 2
count | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 75% | max | |
target | 25000.0 | 95.077342 | 44.699862 | 0.009204 | 59.634772 | 94.882039 | 130.685889 | 190.029838 |
predictions | 25000.0 | 94.911352 | 19.797603 | 16.341091 | 81.549013 | 94.925208 | 108.410820 | 173.959528 |
Comparing targets and predictions across all datasets, we can see that our models were excellent. The mean an sum of our target and predictions columns are identical across all three datasets. The metrics that are different are the standard deviation, min, and max values. Again, Region 2 has the highest mean and total barrel reserve volume.
# Cost per barrel
cpb = 4.5
# budget
budget = 100000000
# Number of wells
wells = 200
# Factor for unit of barrels
factor = 1000
unit_cost = 4500
# Budget per well
bpw = budget / wells
# Budget per barrel
bpb = bpw / unit_cost
# Break even reserve volume
break_even = budget / (cpb * factor)
# Minimum volume to break even
min_product = break_even / wells
# Comparing mean volume with break even point
print('Volume in region 0 after break even: ', f'{ - (min_product):,}', 'barrels')
print('Volume in region 1 after break even: ', f'{ - (min_product):,}', 'barrels')
print('Volume in region 2 after break even: ', f'{ - (min_product):,}', 'barrels')
Volume in region 0 after break even: -18.66144208004802 barrels Volume in region 1 after break even: -42.43944890421423 barrels Volume in region 2 after break even: -16.033768694089275 barrels
Break even metric is compared with the mean of the complete regional datasets, comparing the target values. Here, we see that the mean targets are all lower than the minimum volume of oil needed to break even. This evaluation is misleading, as some wells will be far more profitable than other wells. Furthermore, it is in the interest of the company to exclusively pick wells with the highest profit, and avoid wells that do not break even.
# Function to determine profit predictions to target
def profit(target, predictions, count):
predictions_sorted = predictions.sort_values(ascending=False)
selected = target[predictions_sorted.index][:count]
return (unit_cost * selected.sum()) - budget
Profit takes into consideration the budget of 200 wells at $100 million.
print('Total profit from Region 0 :', '$', f'{profit(target_0, predictions_0, 200 ):,}')
print('Total profit from Region 1 :', '$', f'{profit(target_1, predictions_1, 200 ):,}')
print('Total profit from Region 2 :', '$', f'{profit(target_2, predictions_2, 200 ):,}')
Total profit from Region 0 : $ -16,617,291.92250064 Total profit from Region 1 : $ -37,881,648.63171914 Total profit from Region 2 : $ -16,543,855.132537901
Based on the the data of the top 200 wells of each region, Region 2 will bring the most profit. This data is based on target values of the largest 200 model predictions.
# Function for confidence interval
def confidence(sample):
print('Mean:', sample.mean())
confidence_interval = st.t.interval(0.95, len(sample)-1, sample.mean(), sample.sem())
print('95% confidence interval:', confidence_interval)
Mean: 92.42951694121892 95% confidence interval: (92.141241144103, 92.71779273833484)
Mean: 68.68102185200009 95% confidence interval: (68.11025003765316, 69.25179366634701)
Mean: 94.91135196705469 95% confidence interval: (94.66593096078726, 95.1567729733221)
This confirms the earlier theory in the distribution of the well values among the regions. Region 2 values are slightly higher than Region 1. Region 0 is mostly distributed around smaller values of barrel reserve volume.
# Function for determining profit, risk, and losses
def profit_risk(target, predictions):
state = np.random.RandomState(19)
values = []
for i in range(1000):
target_subsample = target.sample(n=500, replace=True, random_state=state)
pred_subsample = predictions[target_subsample.index]
values.append(profit(target_subsample, pred_subsample, 200))
values = pd.Series(values)
losses = (values < 0 ).mean() * 100
print((f'{values.quantile(0.025):,}', f'{values.quantile(0.975):,}'))
print('Mean Profit: ', f'{values.mean():,}')
print('Losses : ', losses)
# Region 0
profit_risk(, merged_0.predictions)
('-682,314.259189359', '9,774,510.185401097') Mean Profit: 4,533,870.619212874 Losses : 4.8
# Region 1
profit_risk(, merged_1.predictions)
('681,283.8236853313', '8,630,951.198799688') Mean Profit: 4,945,452.4751050165 Losses : 1.0999999999999999
# Region 2
profit_risk(, merged_2.predictions)
('-1,538,054.1441032141', '9,219,736.453033209') Mean Profit: 3,756,892.0224074163 Losses : 8.3
Based on the mean profit, Region 1 has the highest profit potential. Furthermore, Region 1 has the lowest chance of losses, at just over 1%. The 95% confidence zone of Region 1, has the highest range for profit. Regions 0 and 2 have 4.8 and 8.3 % chances of losses, respectively. This is supported by negative profit values seen in the 95% confidence interval.
Considering the three datasets, we will suggest OilGiant to start a new site in Region 1. Region 1 has the greatest profit margin, as the range of well reserve volume is better than those of the other regions, due to the higher lower bound. In addition, the chance of losses in Region 1 is around 1%, which is extremely low. Therefore, the chances of randomly picking 200 sites that are extremely profitable will be more likely in Region 1. As we are focusing on as subsample of the 200 most profitable wells out of a 500 well sample, we limit our chance of loss, rather than just randomly picking wells. Overall, our model will perform well when predicting new sites to implement, and predicting the most profitable wells, given the same features we have in our model.