data frameorders
data frameorder_products
data frame'order_hour_of_day'
and 'order_dow'
values in the orders
tables are sensible (i.e. 'order_hour_of_day'
ranges from 0 to 23 and 'order_dow'
ranges from 0 to 6)'order_hour_of_day'
distributions on Wednesdays and Saturdays? Plot the histograms for both days and describe the differences that you see.This project analyzes data collected by Instacart, the grocery delivery platform. The purpose of this project is to
clean up the data, and use the cleaned data to report insights on shopping habits of Instacart customers. The data
was cleaned by removing duplicate vales, and filling in missing values, all while maintaining the integrity of the dataset.Analyses indicated the number of orders placed, dependent on variables such as time of the day, day of the week, and time since the customer last placed an order. The results demonstrate the distribution of the number of orders customers place,
the top 20 products, and the top 20 reordered products.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# read data
df_inst_orders = pd.read_csv('datasets\orders.csv')
df_prod = pd.read_csv('datasets/products.csv')
df_aisles = pd.read_csv('datasets/aisles.csv')
df_dept = pd.read_csv('datasets/departments.csv')
df_order_prod = pd.read_csv('datasets/order_products__prior.csv')
# idea of what the datasets look like
order_id | user_id | order_number | order_dow | order_hour_of_day | days_since_prior_order | |
0 | 1515936 | 183418 | 11 | 6 | 13 | 30.0 |
1 | 1690866 | 163593 | 5 | 5 | 12 | 9.0 |
2 | 1454967 | 39980 | 4 | 5 | 19 | 2.0 |
3 | 1768857 | 82516 | 56 | 0 | 20 | 10.0 |
4 | 3007858 | 196724 | 2 | 4 | 12 | 17.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
478962 | 3210681 | 5617 | 5 | 1 | 14 | 7.0 |
478963 | 3270802 | 112087 | 2 | 3 | 13 | 6.0 |
478964 | 885349 | 82944 | 16 | 2 | 11 | 6.0 |
478965 | 216274 | 4391 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 8.0 |
478966 | 2071924 | 1730 | 18 | 1 | 14 | 15.0 |
478967 rows × 6 columns
product_id | product_name | aisle_id | department_id | |
0 | 1 | Chocolate Sandwich Cookies | 61 | 19 |
1 | 2 | All-Seasons Salt | 104 | 13 |
2 | 3 | Robust Golden Unsweetened Oolong Tea | 94 | 7 |
3 | 4 | Smart Ones Classic Favorites Mini Rigatoni Wit... | 38 | 1 |
4 | 5 | Green Chile Anytime Sauce | 5 | 13 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
49689 | 49690 | HIGH PERFORMANCE ENERGY DRINK | 64 | 7 |
49690 | 49691 | ORIGINAL PANCAKE & WAFFLE MIX | 130 | 14 |
49692 | 49693 | SPRING WATER BODY WASH | 127 | 11 |
49693 | 49694 | BURRITO- STEAK & CHEESE | 38 | 1 |
49694 rows × 4 columns
aisle_id | aisle | |
0 | 1 | prepared soups salads |
1 | 2 | specialty cheeses |
2 | 3 | energy granola bars |
3 | 4 | instant foods |
4 | 5 | marinades meat preparation |
... | ... | ... |
129 | 130 | hot cereal pancake mixes |
130 | 131 | dry pasta |
131 | 132 | beauty |
132 | 133 | muscles joints pain relief |
133 | 134 | specialty wines champagnes |
134 rows × 2 columns
department_id | department | |
0 | 1 | frozen |
1 | 2 | other |
2 | 3 | bakery |
3 | 4 | produce |
4 | 5 | alcohol |
5 | 6 | international |
6 | 7 | beverages |
7 | 8 | pets |
8 | 9 | dry goods pasta |
9 | 10 | bulk |
10 | 11 | personal care |
11 | 12 | meat seafood |
12 | 13 | pantry |
13 | 14 | breakfast |
14 | 15 | canned goods |
15 | 16 | dairy eggs |
16 | 17 | household |
17 | 18 | babies |
18 | 19 | snacks |
19 | 20 | deli |
20 | 21 | missing |
order_id | product_id | add_to_cart_order | reordered | |
0 | 2141543 | 11440 | 17.0 | 0 |
1 | 567889 | 1560 | 1.0 | 1 |
2 | 2261212 | 26683 | 1.0 | 1 |
3 | 491251 | 8670 | 35.0 | 1 |
4 | 2571142 | 1940 | 5.0 | 1 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4545002 | 577211 | 15290 | 12.0 | 1 |
4545003 | 1219554 | 21914 | 9.0 | 0 |
4545004 | 692640 | 47766 | 4.0 | 1 |
4545005 | 319435 | 691 | 8.0 | 1 |
4545006 | 1398151 | 28733 | 9.0 | 0 |
4545007 rows × 4 columns
# info on columns
print('inst orders')
print('order prod')
inst orders <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 478967 entries, 0 to 478966 Data columns (total 6 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 order_id 478967 non-null int64 1 user_id 478967 non-null int64 2 order_number 478967 non-null int64 3 order_dow 478967 non-null int64 4 order_hour_of_day 478967 non-null int64 5 days_since_prior_order 450148 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(5) memory usage: 21.9 MB prod <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 49694 entries, 0 to 49693 Data columns (total 4 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 product_id 49694 non-null int64 1 product_name 48436 non-null object 2 aisle_id 49694 non-null int64 3 department_id 49694 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(3), object(1) memory usage: 1.5+ MB aisles <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 134 entries, 0 to 133 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 aisle_id 134 non-null int64 1 aisle 134 non-null object dtypes: int64(1), object(1) memory usage: 2.2+ KB dept <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 21 entries, 0 to 20 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 department_id 21 non-null int64 1 department 21 non-null object dtypes: int64(1), object(1) memory usage: 464.0+ bytes order prod <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 4545007 entries, 0 to 4545006 Data columns (total 4 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 order_id 4545007 non-null int64 1 product_id 4545007 non-null int64 2 add_to_cart_order 4544171 non-null float64 3 reordered 4545007 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(3) memory usage: 138.7 MB
We have a total of 5 datasets from Instacart. The Instacart orders dataset is large and fairly clean, with missing values only in the days since prior order column. This data has close to half a million entries. The second dataset includes the products on the platform. with approximately 50,000 entries. This dataset is fairly clean with some missing product names. The aisles dataset is small with 134 entries, and no missing values. The department dataset contains 21 values, with no missing values. The last dataset is order products. Some values are missing from the add to cart order column. Missing values from these datasets should be assessed, to determine whether the missing data should be removed, or kept in place.
data frame¶# Check for duplicated orders
order_id | user_id | order_number | order_dow | order_hour_of_day | days_since_prior_order | |
145574 | 794638 | 50898 | 24 | 3 | 2 | 2.0 |
223105 | 2160484 | 107525 | 16 | 3 | 2 | 30.0 |
230807 | 1918001 | 188546 | 14 | 3 | 2 | 16.0 |
266232 | 1782114 | 106752 | 1 | 3 | 2 | NaN |
273805 | 1112182 | 202304 | 84 | 3 | 2 | 6.0 |
284038 | 2845099 | 31189 | 11 | 3 | 2 | 7.0 |
311713 | 1021560 | 53767 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 9.0 |
321100 | 408114 | 68324 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 18.0 |
323900 | 1919531 | 191501 | 32 | 3 | 2 | 7.0 |
345917 | 2232988 | 82565 | 1 | 3 | 2 | NaN |
371905 | 391768 | 57671 | 19 | 3 | 2 | 10.0 |
394347 | 467134 | 63189 | 21 | 3 | 2 | 2.0 |
411408 | 1286742 | 183220 | 48 | 3 | 2 | 4.0 |
415163 | 2282673 | 86751 | 49 | 3 | 2 | 2.0 |
441599 | 2125197 | 14050 | 48 | 3 | 2 | 3.0 |
# check the number of duplicates
False 478952 True 15 Name: order_id, dtype: int64
We confirm that there are a total of 15 duplicated orders in our dataset that we need to address
# checking orders with highest frequency, to 16 values to check wheter 15 orders are duplicated
2125197 2 1782114 2 1286742 2 391768 2 1021560 2 2232988 2 408114 2 2282673 2 1919531 2 2160484 2 1918001 2 794638 2 1112182 2 467134 2 2845099 2 2357032 1 Name: order_id, dtype: int64
# number of days in days of week column
# Check for all orders placed Wednesday at 2:00 AM
print(df_inst_orders.query("order_dow==4 and order_hour_of_day==2")[['order_id']].count())
order_id 114 dtype: int64
114 orders placed on Wednesday @ 2:00 AM
# orders per jour of day
df_grou = df_inst_orders.groupby('order_hour_of_day')['order_dow'].count()
order_hour_of_day 0 3180 1 1763 2 1004 3 770 4 765 5 1371 6 4215 7 13043 8 25024 9 35896 10 40578 11 40032 12 38034 13 39007 14 39631 15 39789 16 38112 17 31930 18 25510 19 19547 20 14624 21 11019 22 8512 23 5611 Name: order_dow, dtype: int64
# Remove duplicate orders
df_inst_orders['order_id'] = df_inst_orders['order_id'].drop_duplicates()
0 1515936.0 1 1690866.0 2 1454967.0 3 1768857.0 4 3007858.0 ... 478962 3210681.0 478963 3270802.0 478964 885349.0 478965 216274.0 478966 2071924.0 Name: order_id, Length: 478967, dtype: float64
# Double check for duplicate rows
# Double check for duplicate order IDs only
220638.0 1 827753.0 1 516243.0 1 2728009.0 1 391704.0 1 211077.0 1 424589.0 1 21984.0 1 1509114.0 1 467182.0 1 3201275.0 1 569125.0 1 2032571.0 1 652972.0 1 1443182.0 1 3202147.0 1 Name: order_id, dtype: int64
# number of unique order id's
The orders dataframe had a few duplicates that we needed to delete, as doing so would improve the results of our findings, without negatively affecting the data. We confirmed 15 duplicated orders, and we deleted the duplicates. After, we confirmed the data no longer contained duplicates. It was noted that the days of the week column had 7 values, and the order hour of the day had 24 values. We were also able to confirm orders, based on the hour of the day, and the day of the week.
data frame¶# visual of the data
product_id | product_name | aisle_id | department_id | |
0 | 1 | Chocolate Sandwich Cookies | 61 | 19 |
1 | 2 | All-Seasons Salt | 104 | 13 |
2 | 3 | Robust Golden Unsweetened Oolong Tea | 94 | 7 |
3 | 4 | Smart Ones Classic Favorites Mini Rigatoni Wit... | 38 | 1 |
4 | 5 | Green Chile Anytime Sauce | 5 | 13 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
49689 | 49690 | HIGH PERFORMANCE ENERGY DRINK | 64 | 7 |
49690 | 49691 | ORIGINAL PANCAKE & WAFFLE MIX | 130 | 14 |
49692 | 49693 | SPRING WATER BODY WASH | 127 | 11 |
49693 | 49694 | BURRITO- STEAK & CHEESE | 38 | 1 |
49694 rows × 4 columns
# Check for fully duplicate rows
# Check for just duplicate product IDs
# Check for just duplicate product names (convert names to lowercase to compare better)
df_prod['product_name'] = df_prod['product_name'].str.lower()
green tea with ginseng and honey 3 vitamin d3 1000 iu 2 original potato chips 2 cream of celery condensed soup 2 balsamic vinegar of modena 2 .. classic crust pepperoni pizza 1 temptations cat treats tempting tuna 1 soft baked sugar cookies 1 frosted granny's apple pie toaster pastries 1 stage 1 just bartlett pears baby food 1 Name: product_name, Length: 48332, dtype: int64
# Check for duplicate product names
At first, we could not see duplicated values in the product data. However, product names were converted to lower case words. At this point, we were able to uncover duplicated product names, and we saw 1,361. Since the product names are all lowercase, we can keep the duplicates, as deleting them will alter some of our insights.
data frame¶# visual of the data
department_id | department | |
0 | 1 | frozen |
1 | 2 | other |
2 | 3 | bakery |
3 | 4 | produce |
4 | 5 | alcohol |
5 | 6 | international |
6 | 7 | beverages |
7 | 8 | pets |
8 | 9 | dry goods pasta |
9 | 10 | bulk |
10 | 11 | personal care |
11 | 12 | meat seafood |
12 | 13 | pantry |
13 | 14 | breakfast |
14 | 15 | canned goods |
15 | 16 | dairy eggs |
16 | 17 | household |
17 | 18 | babies |
18 | 19 | snacks |
19 | 20 | deli |
20 | 21 | missing |
# number of duplicates
The departments data contains 21 values without missing or duplicated values.
data frame¶# visual of the data
aisle_id | aisle | |
0 | 1 | prepared soups salads |
1 | 2 | specialty cheeses |
2 | 3 | energy granola bars |
3 | 4 | instant foods |
4 | 5 | marinades meat preparation |
... | ... | ... |
129 | 130 | hot cereal pancake mixes |
130 | 131 | dry pasta |
131 | 132 | beauty |
132 | 133 | muscles joints pain relief |
133 | 134 | specialty wines champagnes |
134 rows × 2 columns
There are 134 aisles with no missing values.
The aisles data contains 134 values without missing or duplicated values.
data frame¶# visual of the data
order_id | product_id | add_to_cart_order | reordered | |
0 | 2141543 | 11440 | 17.0 | 0 |
1 | 567889 | 1560 | 1.0 | 1 |
2 | 2261212 | 26683 | 1.0 | 1 |
3 | 491251 | 8670 | 35.0 | 1 |
4 | 2571142 | 1940 | 5.0 | 1 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4545002 | 577211 | 15290 | 12.0 | 1 |
4545003 | 1219554 | 21914 | 9.0 | 0 |
4545004 | 692640 | 47766 | 4.0 | 1 |
4545005 | 319435 | 691 | 8.0 | 1 |
4545006 | 1398151 | 28733 | 9.0 | 0 |
4545007 rows × 4 columns
# Check for fullly duplicate rows
# duplicated order id
# duplicated product id
Keep these duplicates because we can have order id's and product id's used multiple times among orders.
# checking for tricky duplicates with order id and product id
df_order_prod[df_order_prod.duplicated(subset=['order_id', 'product_id'])]
order_id | product_id | add_to_cart_order | reordered |
We kept the duplicate product ids and duplicated order ids, as it is reasonable to conclude that these could be used multiple times. We also checked for hidden duplicates in the pair of columns, order id and product id, for products duplicated within the same order. One of the aisles is labeled as missing.
data frame¶# visual of the data
product_id | product_name | aisle_id | department_id | |
0 | 1 | chocolate sandwich cookies | 61 | 19 |
1 | 2 | all-seasons salt | 104 | 13 |
2 | 3 | robust golden unsweetened oolong tea | 94 | 7 |
3 | 4 | smart ones classic favorites mini rigatoni wit... | 38 | 1 |
4 | 5 | green chile anytime sauce | 5 | 13 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
49689 | 49690 | high performance energy drink | 64 | 7 |
49690 | 49691 | original pancake & waffle mix | 130 | 14 |
49691 | 49692 | organic instant oatmeal light maple brown sugar | 130 | 14 |
49692 | 49693 | spring water body wash | 127 | 11 |
49693 | 49694 | burrito- steak & cheese | 38 | 1 |
49694 rows × 4 columns
# Missing product names
Total of 1258 missing product names.
# Are all of the missing product names associated with aisle ID 100?
print(df_prod.query("aisle_id==100")[['aisle_id', 'product_name']])
aisle_id product_name 37 100 NaN 71 100 NaN 109 100 NaN 296 100 NaN 416 100 NaN ... ... ... 49552 100 NaN 49574 100 NaN 49640 100 NaN 49663 100 NaN 49668 100 NaN [1258 rows x 2 columns]
# aisle id 100 product names
print(df_prod.query("aisle_id==100")[['aisle_id', 'product_name']].count())
aisle_id 1258 product_name 0 dtype: int64
All of missing product names are associated with aisle ID 100.
# Are all of the missing product names associated with department ID 21?
print(df_prod.query("department_id==21")[['department_id', 'product_name']])
department_id product_name 37 21 NaN 71 21 NaN 109 21 NaN 296 21 NaN 416 21 NaN ... ... ... 49552 21 NaN 49574 21 NaN 49640 21 NaN 49663 21 NaN 49668 21 NaN [1258 rows x 2 columns]
# department id 21 product names
print(df_prod.query("department_id==21")[['department_id', 'product_name']].count())
department_id 1258 product_name 0 dtype: int64
All of missing product names are also associated with department ID 21.
# What is this aisle and department?
department_id department 20 21 missing aisle_id aisle 99 100 missing
Department and aisle both labeled as missing.
# Fill missing product names with 'Unknown'
df_prod['product_name'] = df_prod['product_name'].fillna('unknown')
# QC check on aisle id 100 changing product name to unknown
print(df_prod.query("aisle_id==100")[['aisle_id', 'product_name']])
aisle_id product_name 37 100 unknown 71 100 unknown 109 100 unknown 296 100 unknown 416 100 unknown ... ... ... 49552 100 unknown 49574 100 unknown 49640 100 unknown 49663 100 unknown 49668 100 unknown [1258 rows x 2 columns]
# filling missing department id
df_prod['department_id'] = df_prod['department_id'].fillna('unknown')
# QC check on department 21 changing product name to unknown
print(df_prod.query("department_id==21")[['department_id', 'product_name']])
department_id product_name 37 21 unknown 71 21 unknown 109 21 unknown 296 21 unknown 416 21 unknown ... ... ... 49552 21 unknown 49574 21 unknown 49640 21 unknown 49663 21 unknown 49668 21 unknown [1258 rows x 2 columns]
We saw that there were 1258 missing product names. These missing values were associated with aisle id 100 and department id 21. Then, we saw that the aisle and department in question were labeled as missing. We cleaned the data by changing these missing values to 'unknown'. We then confirmed proper implementation by once again looking at aisle id 100 and department id 21. Missing values were indeed changed to 'unknown'. This allowed us to keep the data, as aisle and department were not crucial in our analysis.
data frame¶# display dataframe
order_id | user_id | order_number | order_dow | order_hour_of_day | days_since_prior_order | |
0 | 1515936.0 | 183418 | 11 | 6 | 13 | 30.0 |
1 | 1690866.0 | 163593 | 5 | 5 | 12 | 9.0 |
2 | 1454967.0 | 39980 | 4 | 5 | 19 | 2.0 |
3 | 1768857.0 | 82516 | 56 | 0 | 20 | 10.0 |
4 | 3007858.0 | 196724 | 2 | 4 | 12 | 17.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
478962 | 3210681.0 | 5617 | 5 | 1 | 14 | 7.0 |
478963 | 3270802.0 | 112087 | 2 | 3 | 13 | 6.0 |
478964 | 885349.0 | 82944 | 16 | 2 | 11 | 6.0 |
478965 | 216274.0 | 4391 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 8.0 |
478966 | 2071924.0 | 1730 | 18 | 1 | 14 | 15.0 |
478967 rows × 6 columns
# Are there any missing values where it's not a customer's first order?
df_inst_orders.query("order_number > 1").isna().sum()
order_id 13 user_id 0 order_number 0 order_dow 0 order_hour_of_day 0 days_since_prior_order 0 dtype: int64
# 13 missing values where it is not a customer's first order
print('Number of missing order id values, where its not a customer\'s first order:')
df_inst_orders.query("order_number > 1")['order_id'].isna().sum()
Number of missing order id values, where its not a customer's first order:
# ensure proper query of data
print(df_inst_orders.query("order_number > 1").sort_values(by='order_number', ascending=True))
order_id user_id order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day \ 426491 1769679.0 195377 2 4 11 435359 3349347.0 115073 2 5 16 201530 2114762.0 125572 2 0 22 454267 2283616.0 113965 2 5 9 201532 1289383.0 203762 2 1 20 ... ... ... ... ... ... 142916 3406102.0 71049 100 6 12 60091 1055636.0 142304 100 3 10 60207 1947672.0 113588 100 0 15 28574 2378889.0 95171 100 1 15 2482 94667.0 8220 100 1 13 days_since_prior_order 426491 8.0 435359 23.0 201530 30.0 454267 2.0 201532 5.0 ... ... 142916 5.0 60091 2.0 60207 1.0 28574 0.0 2482 3.0 [450148 rows x 6 columns]
We see a total of 13 missing values, where it is not a customer's first order. We keep the data, because it still hase usefull information.
data frame¶# display dataframe
order_id | product_id | add_to_cart_order | reordered | |
0 | 2141543 | 11440 | 17.0 | 0 |
1 | 567889 | 1560 | 1.0 | 1 |
2 | 2261212 | 26683 | 1.0 | 1 |
3 | 491251 | 8670 | 35.0 | 1 |
4 | 2571142 | 1940 | 5.0 | 1 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4545002 | 577211 | 15290 | 12.0 | 1 |
4545003 | 1219554 | 21914 | 9.0 | 0 |
4545004 | 692640 | 47766 | 4.0 | 1 |
4545005 | 319435 | 691 | 8.0 | 1 |
4545006 | 1398151 | 28733 | 9.0 | 0 |
4545007 rows × 4 columns
# What are the min and max values in this column
print('Min, Max')
df_order_prod['product_id'].min(), df_order_prod['product_id'].max()
Min, Max
(1, 49694)
# Save all order IDs with at least one missing value in 'add_to_cart_order'
df_miss = df_order_prod[['add_to_cart_order','order_id']].isna().sort_values(by='order_id', ascending=False)
# number of missing values
# create missing cart dataframe
df_miss_cart = df_order_prod[['add_to_cart_order','order_id','product_id']].sort_values(by='add_to_cart_order').tail(836)
add_to_cart_order order_id product_id 737 NaN 2449164 5068 9926 NaN 1968313 43867 14394 NaN 2926893 11688 16418 NaN 1717990 4142 30114 NaN 1959075 42828 ... ... ... ... 4505662 NaN 1800005 7411 4511400 NaN 1633337 260 4517562 NaN 404157 9517 4534112 NaN 1673227 17835 4535739 NaN 1832957 17949 [836 rows x 3 columns]
# merge two order dataframes
df_ord_prod_merge = df_inst_orders.merge(df_order_prod, on='order_id')
order_id user_id order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day \ 0 1515936.0 183418 11 6 13 1 1515936.0 183418 11 6 13 2 1515936.0 183418 11 6 13 3 1515936.0 183418 11 6 13 4 1515936.0 183418 11 6 13 ... ... ... ... ... ... 4545002 2071924.0 1730 18 1 14 4545003 2071924.0 1730 18 1 14 4545004 2071924.0 1730 18 1 14 4545005 2071924.0 1730 18 1 14 4545006 2071924.0 1730 18 1 14 days_since_prior_order product_id add_to_cart_order reordered 0 30.0 19048 1.0 1 1 30.0 47766 3.0 1 2 30.0 45066 9.0 0 3 30.0 24082 11.0 0 4 30.0 24363 4.0 0 ... ... ... ... ... 4545002 15.0 1503 17.0 0 4545003 15.0 4778 12.0 1 4545004 15.0 11512 1.0 1 4545005 15.0 4920 6.0 1 4545006 15.0 17678 4.0 1 [4545007 rows x 9 columns]
# Do all orders with missing values have more than 64 products?
df_miss_merge = df_miss_cart.merge(df_order_prod, on='order_id', how='left')
add_to_cart_order_x order_id product_id_x product_id_y \ 0 NaN 2449164 5068 5068 1 NaN 2449164 5068 14386 2 NaN 2449164 5068 32864 3 NaN 2449164 5068 8518 4 NaN 2449164 5068 24497 ... ... ... ... ... 74963 NaN 1832957 17949 38844 74964 NaN 1832957 17949 19348 74965 NaN 1832957 17949 16793 74966 NaN 1832957 17949 5438 74967 NaN 1832957 17949 17949 add_to_cart_order_y reordered 0 NaN 0 1 NaN 0 2 10.0 1 3 NaN 0 4 32.0 1 ... ... ... 74963 24.0 1 74964 NaN 1 74965 19.0 1 74966 NaN 1 74967 NaN 1 [74968 rows x 6 columns]
# all orders with missing values have a minimum of 65 products
# Replace missing values with 999 and convert column to integer type
df_order_prod['add_to_cart_order'] = df_order_prod['add_to_cart_order'].fillna('999')
df_order_prod['add_to_cart_order'] = pd.to_numeric(df_order_prod['add_to_cart_order'], errors='coerce')
df_order_prod['add_to_cart_order'] = df_order_prod['add_to_cart_order'].astype('int', errors='ignore')
# checking dtype
order_id int64 product_id int64 add_to_cart_order int64 reordered int64 dtype: object
This data shows us we have close to 50,000 different products for purchase on the platform. We see missing values in the column that determines the order a product is placed into the cart. We also observe that all orders with missing values contain more than 64 products in the cart. Analyses need to be made with this column, so we change the missing values to '999' in the data. We can do this based on the assumption that the number of items customers usually put into their cart, is less that 64. We will confirm this later in the project. The add to cart order column was then changed to an integer type, as decimals were not needed. This was done because we only add integer values for items to the cart.
and 'order_dow'
values in the orders
tables are sensible (i.e. 'order_hour_of_day'
ranges from 0 to 23 and 'order_dow'
ranges from 0 to 6)¶# min and max order hours of the day
print('Min, Max')
df_inst_orders['order_hour_of_day'].min() , df_inst_orders['order_hour_of_day'].max()
Min, Max
(0, 23)
# numnber of hours
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]
# min and max order days
print('Min, Max')
df_inst_orders['order_dow'].min(), df_inst_orders['order_dow'].max()
Min, Max
(0, 6)
# list of order days
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
First used describe to show min and max values of the columns, but using min/max for simplicity. Order hour of the day ranges from 0 to 23, which covers 24 hrs in a day. Order day of the week ranges from 0 to 6, which covers 7 days of the week. Assumption is made that the week starts on Sunday, [0]. We also confirm all seven days are accounted for, as well as every hour of the day.
# create shop time dataframe
df_shop_time = df_inst_orders['order_hour_of_day'].value_counts().sort_index()
# plotting shop time
title='Shopping by Time',
xlabel='Hour of the Day : 24 HR',
ylabel='Number of Orders',
People shop for groceries throughout the day. Early morning has the lowest frequency. Most orders come in at 10 am. Late morning and early afternoons receive the most orders, so values are distributed towards the middle of the day.
# create day of week dataframe
df_ord_dow = df_inst_orders['order_dow'].value_counts()
df_ord_dow = df_ord_dow.sort_index()
0 84090 1 82185 2 65833 3 60912 4 59810 5 63488 6 62649 Name: order_dow, dtype: int64
# plot day of week
title='Shopping by Day',
xlabel='Day of the Week : SUN - SAT',
ylabel='Number of Orders',
People shop for groceries thorughout the week, with Sunday and Monday having the highest, and second highest amount of orders, respectively. The middle of the week sees the least amount of orders.
# create dataframe for wait for order
df_wait_ord = df_inst_orders['days_since_prior_order'].value_counts().sort_index()
0.0 9589 1.0 20179 2.0 27141 3.0 30225 4.0 31007 5.0 30096 6.0 33931 7.0 44579 8.0 25361 9.0 16754 10.0 13310 11.0 11467 12.0 10658 13.0 11737 14.0 13992 15.0 9416 16.0 6588 17.0 5498 18.0 4972 19.0 4939 20.0 5302 21.0 6448 22.0 4514 23.0 3337 24.0 3015 25.0 2711 26.0 2640 27.0 2986 28.0 3745 29.0 2673 30.0 51338 Name: days_since_prior_order, dtype: int64
# plot wait for order
title='Reorder Time',
xlabel='Number of Days Since Last Order',
ylabel='Number of Orders',
People usually wait more than a month before placing another order, followed by waiting a week to place another order. We also notice local peaks in the data every seven days. This is in line with what we should expect, with perishable items needing to be replaced quite often, while other items can be frozen or stored for longer periods of time. With most of the orders distributed towards a one week timeframe, this suggests a bulk of the orders on the platform could be perishables.
distributions on Wednesdays and Saturdays? Plot the histograms for both days and describe the differences that you see.¶# order hour by day of the week
order_dow | |
23 | 0 |
5 | 0 |
23 | 0 |
7 | 0 |
23 | 0 |
... | ... |
14 | 6 |
11 | 6 |
11 | 6 |
20 | 6 |
14 | 6 |
478967 rows × 1 columns
# wednesday and saturday orders
tmp = df_inst_orders.query('order_dow == 4 or order_dow == 6').pivot_table(index = 'order_hour_of_day',
columns = 'order_dow',
values = 'order_id',
aggfunc = 'count')
tmp.columns = ['Wednesday', 'Saturday']
title='Saturday Shopping by Time',
xlabel='Time of the Day : 24 Hr',
ylabel='Number of Orders',
color=('purple', 'black'),
Orders from both days have a similar distribution, with more orders during the middle of the day. Early morning sees the least amount of orders. Orders tail off in the evening. Initially, one would assume this data suggests most customers follow a 9-5 work shcedule. Yet, the data includes Saturday, when most people are off from work. A stronger realtionship may be seen with typical sleep schedules, as people go to sleep from the late evening, to the early morning.
# creating order per customer dataframe
df_ord_per_cus = df_inst_orders.query('user_id')['order_number']
183418 38 163593 11 39980 3 82516 11 196724 5 .. 5617 24 112087 1 82944 21 4391 58 1730 27 Name: order_number, Length: 478967, dtype: int64
# adding count
df_ord_per_cus = df_inst_orders.groupby('user_id')['order_number'].count()
user_id 2 2 4 2 5 1 6 2 7 2 .. 206203 1 206206 7 206207 5 206208 9 206209 2 Name: order_number, Length: 157437, dtype: int64
# plotting orders per customer
df_ord_per_cus.hist(figsize=(10,5), bins=25)
plt.title('Orders Per Customer')
plt.xlabel('Number of orders')
plt.ylabel('Number of users')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Number of users')
The histogram is skewed right. The majority of people order a few times, once or twice, but generally under 5 times. The number of customers that order more than 5 times is proportionally small. This is vital information on customer retention. More research needs to be conducted to determine what factors lead to low retention, and methods of increasing retention.
# merge product tables, get 20 largest products
.merge(df_prod,how='inner', on='product_id')
.nlargest(20, 'order_id')
product_id | product_name | order_id | |
22808 | 24852 | banana | 66050 |
12025 | 13176 | bag of organic bananas | 53297 |
19370 | 21137 | organic strawberries | 37039 |
20077 | 21903 | organic baby spinach | 33971 |
43271 | 47209 | organic hass avocado | 29773 |
43788 | 47766 | organic avocado | 24689 |
43663 | 47626 | large lemon | 21495 |
15364 | 16797 | strawberries | 20018 |
24047 | 26209 | limes | 19690 |
25556 | 27845 | organic whole milk | 19600 |
25666 | 27966 | organic raspberries | 19197 |
21025 | 22935 | organic yellow onion | 15898 |
22908 | 24964 | organic garlic | 15292 |
41244 | 45007 | organic zucchini | 14584 |
35996 | 39275 | organic blueberries | 13879 |
45561 | 49683 | cucumber kirby | 13675 |
25889 | 28204 | organic fuji apple | 12544 |
5375 | 5876 | organic lemon | 12232 |
7543 | 8277 | apple honeycrisp organic | 11993 |
37301 | 40706 | organic grape tomatoes | 11781 |
This data shows the most popular products on the platform. We see the list is comprised of perishables. These items likely have a high count of reorders, as they do not last long, and would need to be replenished often.
# creating one order dataframe
df_one_order = df_order_prod.groupby('order_id')['product_id'].count().value_counts().sort_index()
1 21847 2 26292 3 29046 4 31054 5 31923 ... 98 1 104 1 108 1 115 1 127 1 Name: product_id, Length: 90, dtype: int64
# Cut off at 50 for ease of readability, beyond 50 is extraneous, does not give crucial information
title='Number of Items Per Order',
ylabel='Number of orders',
xlabel='Number of Items',
figsize= (20,15),
The distribution of the data is skewed right. Most people buy only a handfull of items, less than 10. Most customers buy a total of 5 items. The chart was cut off at 50 items, as the values beyond that point apper to be insignificant.
# group by reordered, merge with product id,
df_merged = df_order_prod.merge(df_prod, on='product_id')
# Top 20 items reordered most frequently, closely resembles top 20 products. It would make sense that these two
# results are similar.
print(df_merged.query('reordered==1')[['product_id', 'product_name']].value_counts().head(20))
product_id product_name 24852 banana 55763 13176 bag of organic bananas 44450 21137 organic strawberries 28639 21903 organic baby spinach 26233 47209 organic hass avocado 23629 47766 organic avocado 18743 27845 organic whole milk 16251 47626 large lemon 15044 27966 organic raspberries 14748 16797 strawberries 13945 26209 limes 13327 22935 organic yellow onion 11145 24964 organic garlic 10411 45007 organic zucchini 10076 49683 cucumber kirby 9538 28204 organic fuji apple 8989 8277 apple honeycrisp organic 8836 39275 organic blueberries 8799 5876 organic lemon 8412 49235 organic half & half 8389 dtype: int64
Results show the top 20 items reorderd the most. As anticipated, many of these items are perishables that are also on the top 20 items ordered list.
# merging product names and order products
df_order_merge = df_order_prod.merge(df_prod, on='product_id')
order_id product_id add_to_cart_order reordered \ 0 2141543 11440 17 0 1 147172 11440 7 1 2 3341719 11440 4 1 3 1938779 11440 8 1 4 1728338 11440 23 0 ... ... ... ... ... 4545002 267402 45226 14 0 4545003 2621676 25201 10 0 4545004 937623 49153 2 0 4545005 532895 8182 1 0 4545006 3132243 40024 1 0 product_name aisle_id department_id 0 chicken breast tenders breaded 129 1 1 chicken breast tenders breaded 129 1 2 chicken breast tenders breaded 129 1 3 chicken breast tenders breaded 129 1 4 chicken breast tenders breaded 129 1 ... ... ... ... 4545002 sweet teriyaki chicken oven sauce 5 13 4545003 crisp waters candle scents 101 17 4545004 shine collection brillance shampoo 22 11 4545005 total mint stripe gel toothpaste 20 11 4545006 egg replacer powder 17 13 [4545007 rows x 7 columns]
# Top 20 products put in the cart first, reordered with names instead of product ID, with unknown in data
product_name add_to_cart_order banana 1 15562 bag of organic bananas 1 11026 organic whole milk 1 4363 organic strawberries 1 3946 organic hass avocado 1 3390 organic baby spinach 1 3336 organic avocado 1 3044 spring water 1 2336 strawberries 1 2308 organic raspberries 1 2024 sparkling water grapefruit 1 1914 organic half & half 1 1797 large lemon 1 1737 soda 1 1733 organic reduced fat milk 1 1397 limes 1 1370 hass avocados 1 1340 organic reduced fat 2% milk 1 1310 half & half 1 1309 raspberries 1 1246 dtype: int64
# Top 20 products put in the cart first, reordered with names instead of product ID, unknown product removed
product_name product_id banana 24852 15562 bag of organic bananas 13176 11026 organic whole milk 27845 4363 organic strawberries 21137 3946 organic hass avocado 47209 3390 organic baby spinach 21903 3336 organic avocado 47766 3044 spring water 19660 2336 strawberries 16797 2308 organic raspberries 27966 2024 sparkling water grapefruit 44632 1914 organic half & half 49235 1797 large lemon 47626 1737 soda 196 1733 organic reduced fat milk 38689 1397 limes 26209 1370 hass avocados 12341 1340 organic reduced fat 2% milk 5785 1310 half & half 27086 1309 organic yellow onion 22935 1246 dtype: int64
# QC check on correct name and product ID
product_name | |
356246 | banana |
356247 | banana |
356248 | banana |
356249 | banana |
356250 | banana |
... | ... |
422291 | banana |
422292 | banana |
422293 | banana |
422294 | banana |
422295 | banana |
66050 rows × 1 columns
# creating merged dataframe
df_prod_merged = df_order_prod.merge(df_prod, on='product_id')
df_prod_merged = df_prod_merged.query('add_to_cart_order==1')[['product_id']].value_counts().head(20)
product_id 24852 15562 13176 11026 27845 4363 21137 3946 47209 3390 21903 3336 47766 3044 19660 2336 16797 2308 27966 2024 44632 1914 49235 1797 47626 1737 196 1733 38689 1397 26209 1370 12341 1340 5785 1310 27086 1309 43352 1246 dtype: int64
Again, we see a similar trend from the tow previous results. The top 20 products put in the cart first are similar to the most popular products list, and the most popular products reordered list.
After cleaning the data from duplicates and missing values, we were able to develop key insights on the Instacart platform. Using the several datasets provided by the company, we were able to illustrate the distribution of orders by the day of the week, and by the time of day. We saw that most orders were made on Sunday, and the least, on Wednesday. We also determined, when considering Wednesday and Saturday data, most orders were made during the middle of the day, with the amount tailing off in the late evening. Hardly any orders were made in the early morning, until around 7 am, on Wednesday or Saturday. These results suggest a probable correlation with typical sleep times. As such, resources should be implemented in the appropriate time frames, to maximize the amount of drivers available for deliveries. We determined the most popular products, as well as the most popular items reordered and placed in the cart first. These products were perishables: fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Overall, we saw that most reorders were made after 30 days, and also within 7 days. Local peaks in reorders appeared in 7 day increments, yet not many orders were placed in between those weekly time frames.