The purpose of this project is to investigate the churn of Beta Bank customers. The bank has noticed customers are slowly leaving, month over month. The most cost effective solution is to retain existing customers, rather than recruit new customers. The bank needs a model that will predict whether a customer will leave the bank soon. The model will be trained on data from clients' past behavior and termination of contracts with the bank. The goal of the project is to build a model with an F1 score of at least 0.59.
This is a binary classification problem, therefore, we will be focussing on that class of modeling. This is the case because the target is categorical: churn or not. The F1 score is an appropriate indicator of our model, because we care about both precision and recall. We care about precision because we want to capture as many true positive occurrences of churning. Recall is also crucial, as we want to capture as many occurrences of churning as possible.
# Import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
import plotly_express as px
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, mean_squared_error as mse, f1_score, accuracy_score, recall_score, precision_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix, roc_auc_score, roc_curve
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder, LabelEncoder
# Reading the data
df = pd.read_csv('datasets/Churn.csv')
# First look at the data
RowNumber | CustomerId | Surname | CreditScore | Geography | Gender | Age | Tenure | Balance | NumOfProducts | HasCrCard | IsActiveMember | EstimatedSalary | Exited | |
0 | 1 | 15634602 | Hargrave | 619 | France | Female | 42 | 2.0 | 0.00 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 101348.88 | 1 |
1 | 2 | 15647311 | Hill | 608 | Spain | Female | 41 | 1.0 | 83807.86 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 112542.58 | 0 |
2 | 3 | 15619304 | Onio | 502 | France | Female | 42 | 8.0 | 159660.80 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 113931.57 | 1 |
3 | 4 | 15701354 | Boni | 699 | France | Female | 39 | 1.0 | 0.00 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 93826.63 | 0 |
4 | 5 | 15737888 | Mitchell | 850 | Spain | Female | 43 | 2.0 | 125510.82 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 79084.10 | 0 |
# overall description of the data
RowNumber | CustomerId | CreditScore | Age | Tenure | Balance | NumOfProducts | HasCrCard | IsActiveMember | EstimatedSalary | Exited | |
count | 10000.00000 | 1.000000e+04 | 10000.000000 | 10000.000000 | 9091.000000 | 10000.000000 | 10000.000000 | 10000.00000 | 10000.000000 | 10000.000000 | 10000.000000 |
mean | 5000.50000 | 1.569094e+07 | 650.528800 | 38.921800 | 4.997690 | 76485.889288 | 1.530200 | 0.70550 | 0.515100 | 100090.239881 | 0.203700 |
std | 2886.89568 | 7.193619e+04 | 96.653299 | 10.487806 | 2.894723 | 62397.405202 | 0.581654 | 0.45584 | 0.499797 | 57510.492818 | 0.402769 |
min | 1.00000 | 1.556570e+07 | 350.000000 | 18.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 | 11.580000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 2500.75000 | 1.562853e+07 | 584.000000 | 32.000000 | 2.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 | 51002.110000 | 0.000000 |
50% | 5000.50000 | 1.569074e+07 | 652.000000 | 37.000000 | 5.000000 | 97198.540000 | 1.000000 | 1.00000 | 1.000000 | 100193.915000 | 0.000000 |
75% | 7500.25000 | 1.575323e+07 | 718.000000 | 44.000000 | 7.000000 | 127644.240000 | 2.000000 | 1.00000 | 1.000000 | 149388.247500 | 0.000000 |
max | 10000.00000 | 1.581569e+07 | 850.000000 | 92.000000 | 10.000000 | 250898.090000 | 4.000000 | 1.00000 | 1.000000 | 199992.480000 | 1.000000 |
# looking for correlations
RowNumber | CustomerId | CreditScore | Age | Tenure | Balance | NumOfProducts | HasCrCard | IsActiveMember | EstimatedSalary | Exited | |
RowNumber | 1.000000 | 0.004202 | 0.005840 | 0.000783 | -0.007322 | -0.009067 | 0.007246 | 0.000599 | 0.012044 | -0.005988 | -0.016571 |
CustomerId | 0.004202 | 1.000000 | 0.005308 | 0.009497 | -0.021418 | -0.012419 | 0.016972 | -0.014025 | 0.001665 | 0.015271 | -0.006248 |
CreditScore | 0.005840 | 0.005308 | 1.000000 | -0.003965 | -0.000062 | 0.006268 | 0.012238 | -0.005458 | 0.025651 | -0.001384 | -0.027094 |
Age | 0.000783 | 0.009497 | -0.003965 | 1.000000 | -0.013134 | 0.028308 | -0.030680 | -0.011721 | 0.085472 | -0.007201 | 0.285323 |
Tenure | -0.007322 | -0.021418 | -0.000062 | -0.013134 | 1.000000 | -0.007911 | 0.011979 | 0.027232 | -0.032178 | 0.010520 | -0.016761 |
Balance | -0.009067 | -0.012419 | 0.006268 | 0.028308 | -0.007911 | 1.000000 | -0.304180 | -0.014858 | -0.010084 | 0.012797 | 0.118533 |
NumOfProducts | 0.007246 | 0.016972 | 0.012238 | -0.030680 | 0.011979 | -0.304180 | 1.000000 | 0.003183 | 0.009612 | 0.014204 | -0.047820 |
HasCrCard | 0.000599 | -0.014025 | -0.005458 | -0.011721 | 0.027232 | -0.014858 | 0.003183 | 1.000000 | -0.011866 | -0.009933 | -0.007138 |
IsActiveMember | 0.012044 | 0.001665 | 0.025651 | 0.085472 | -0.032178 | -0.010084 | 0.009612 | -0.011866 | 1.000000 | -0.011421 | -0.156128 |
EstimatedSalary | -0.005988 | 0.015271 | -0.001384 | -0.007201 | 0.010520 | 0.012797 | 0.014204 | -0.009933 | -0.011421 | 1.000000 | 0.012097 |
Exited | -0.016571 | -0.006248 | -0.027094 | 0.285323 | -0.016761 | 0.118533 | -0.047820 | -0.007138 | -0.156128 | 0.012097 | 1.000000 |
# Changing column names to lowercase with underscores
df.columns = df.columns.str.lower()
df.rename(columns={'rownumber': 'row_number', 'customerid': 'customer_id', 'creditscore': 'credit_score','numofproducts': 'num_of_products', 'hascrcard': 'has_cr_card', 'isactivemember': 'is_active_member', 'estimatedsalary': 'estimated_salary' }, inplace=True)
# looking for missing values
row_number 0 customer_id 0 surname 0 credit_score 0 geography 0 gender 0 age 0 tenure 909 balance 0 num_of_products 0 has_cr_card 0 is_active_member 0 estimated_salary 0 exited 0 dtype: int64
# Counting the different values of geography
France 5014 Germany 2509 Spain 2477 Name: geography, dtype: int64
# Counting the different vales of tenure
1.0 952 2.0 950 8.0 933 3.0 928 5.0 927 7.0 925 4.0 885 9.0 882 6.0 881 10.0 446 0.0 382 Name: tenure, dtype: int64
# mean and median tenure
4.997690023099769 5.0
# filling missing tenure values with median
df.tenure.fillna(df.tenure.median(), inplace=True)
# looking for duplicates, hidden duplicates
0 0
# Looking for hidden duplicates
# Ensuring two values for gender
# ensuring these features have two values
2 2 2
# Dropping all missing rows
df = df.dropna()
# No missing values
row_number 0 customer_id 0 surname 0 credit_score 0 geography 0 gender 0 age 0 tenure 0 balance 0 num_of_products 0 has_cr_card 0 is_active_member 0 estimated_salary 0 exited 0 dtype: int64
Machine learning models cannot work with missing or duplicate values, therefore we had to clean the data. We filled the missing tenure values, with the median of the column. The mean and median values were the same, so we went with the median, because it is an integer. The number of missing tenure values was roughly 9% of the data, which would have been too much to drop.
# Looking at the balance of genders
Male 5457 Female 4543 Name: gender, dtype: int64
# target is unbalanced
0 7963 1 2037 Name: exited, dtype: int64
# number of geography options
# Changing categorical columns to labels
encoder = OrdinalEncoder()
df_ordinal = pd.DataFrame(encoder.fit_transform(df[['surname', 'geography', 'gender']]), columns=['surname', 'geography', 'gender'])
# merge ordinal columns back into df
df = df.merge(df_ordinal, left_index=True, right_index=True)
# drop the left duplicate columns and rename the right columns
df = df.drop(['surname_x', 'geography_x', 'gender_x'], axis=1)
df.rename(columns={'surname_y': 'surname', 'geography_y': 'geography', 'gender_y': 'gender'}, inplace=True)
# counting the target values
0 7963 1 2037 Name: exited, dtype: int64
# Geography: 0 - France, 1 - Germany, 2 - Spain
0.0 5014 1.0 2509 2.0 2477 Name: geography, dtype: int64
Machine learning models cannot work with categorical features, therefore we had to label the features with numbers. Gender was converted to labels, with 0 - Female and 1 - Male. Geography was also converted to labels: 0 - France, 1 - Germany, 2 - Spain.
# Target and Features
target = df['exited']
features = df.drop(['exited', 'row_number', 'customer_id', 'surname'], axis=1)
Do not believe row number, customer id, and surname are relevant features for the model.
# Splitting dataset into 3: train, test, valid
features_train, features_test, target_train, target_test = train_test_split(
features, target, test_size=0.2, random_state=19) # split 20% of data to make validation set
features_train, features_valid, target_train, target_valid = train_test_split(
features_train, target_train, test_size=0.25, random_state=19) # 0.25 x 0.8 = 0.2
# Visual of the split data
(6000, 10) (6000,) (2000, 10) (2000,) (2000, 10) (2000,)
# Identify column names
Index(['credit_score', 'age', 'tenure', 'balance', 'num_of_products', 'has_cr_card', 'is_active_member', 'estimated_salary', 'geography', 'gender'], dtype='object')
# Using these numeric columns
numeric = ['credit_score', 'age', 'tenure', 'balance', 'num_of_products','estimated_salary']
scaler = StandardScaler()[numeric])
Do not believe row number, customer id, and surname are relevant features for the model.
# Scaling the features
features_train[numeric] = scaler.transform(features_train[numeric])
features_valid[numeric] = scaler.transform(features_valid[numeric])
features_test[numeric] = scaler.transform(features_test[numeric])
(6000, 10)
# Visual of the features
credit_score | age | tenure | balance | num_of_products | has_cr_card | is_active_member | estimated_salary | geography | gender | |
7143 | 0.703732 | 1.432882 | 0.713391 | -1.217433 | 0.790787 | 1 | 1 | 0.442364 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
1730 | 2.046232 | -1.811595 | 0.713391 | -1.217433 | 0.790787 | 1 | 0 | -1.183483 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
5253 | 0.047853 | -1.143614 | 1.436178 | -1.217433 | 0.790787 | 0 | 0 | 0.146972 | 2.0 | 0.0 |
1601 | 1.882263 | 0.955753 | 1.074784 | 1.346823 | 0.790787 | 1 | 0 | 0.515762 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
1034 | 0.129838 | 0.669475 | -0.732183 | -1.217433 | 0.790787 | 0 | 1 | 1.330867 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1702 | 0.365544 | -1.620743 | -0.009396 | -1.217433 | 0.790787 | 1 | 0 | 1.030824 | 2.0 | 1.0 |
4201 | 0.181079 | 0.669475 | 0.713391 | 1.366045 | -0.920256 | 1 | 1 | 1.274958 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
4976 | 1.820774 | -1.334466 | 0.713391 | 1.087362 | -0.920256 | 1 | 0 | 0.296202 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
9771 | -1.745563 | 0.001495 | -0.009396 | 0.724523 | -0.920256 | 1 | 1 | -0.296458 | 2.0 | 1.0 |
8307 | -0.331326 | -0.857337 | -0.732183 | 0.919591 | -0.920256 | 1 | 1 | -1.181434 | 0.0 | 1.0 |
6000 rows × 10 columns
We scaled the data to account for feature weight imbalance.
# Target values before upsampling
0 7963 1 2037 Name: exited, dtype: int64
# function to upsample the features and target
def upsample(features, target, repeat):
features_zeros = features_train[target_train == 0]
features_ones = features_train[target_train == 1]
target_zeros = target_train[target_train == 0]
target_ones = target_train[target_train == 1]
features_upsampled = pd.concat([features_zeros] + [features_ones] * repeat)
target_upsampled = pd.concat([target_zeros] + [target_ones] * repeat)
features_upsampled, target_upsampled = shuffle(
features_upsampled, target_upsampled, random_state=19
return features_upsampled, target_upsampled
features_upsampled, target_upsampled = upsample(
features_train, target_train, 4)
# Results of the upsampling,
(9666, 10) (9666,)
# looking at upsampled target counts
1 4888 0 4778 Name: exited, dtype: int64
We upsampled the data to balance out the churn target in the data.
# Decision Tree with loop for depth
best_model = None
best_result = 0
best_depth = 0
for depth in range(1,20):
model_0 = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=19, max_depth=depth), target_train) # using unbalanced data for comparison
predictions_valid0 = model_0.predict(features_valid)
result0 = f1_score(target_valid, predictions_valid0)
if result0 > best_result:
best_model = model_0
best_result = result0
best_depth = depth
print("Best Depth:", best_depth, "," " F1 of the best model on the validation set:", best_result)
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid0 = model_0.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid0 = probabilities_valid0[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid0)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
Best Depth: 2 , F1 of the best model on the validation set: 0.5122302158273381 AUC-ROC score: 0.6598716710278545
# Decision Tree with loop for depth
best_model = None
best_result = 0
best_depth = 0
for depth in range(1,20):
model = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=19, max_depth=depth), target_upsampled) # using balanced, upsampled data
predictions_valid = model.predict(features_valid)
result = f1_score(target_valid, predictions_valid)
if result > best_result:
best_model = model
best_result = result
best_depth = depth
print("Best Depth:", best_depth, "," " F1 of the best model on the validation set:", best_result)
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid = model.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid = probabilities_valid[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
Best Depth: 6 , F1 of the best model on the validation set: 0.5752636625119847 AUC-ROC score: 0.6804484788828838
Results are different due to the differences in the data used to train the model. The unbalanced data has more target values that are 0, thereby creating bias in the data.
# Logistic Regression, no class weights
model_002 = LogisticRegression(random_state=19, solver='saga', multi_class='multinomial'), target_train) # using unbalanced data for comparison
predictions002_valid = model_002.predict(features_valid)
f1_valid_002 = f1_score(target_valid, predictions002_valid)
"F1 score of the logistic regression model on the validation set:",
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid002 = model_002.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid002 = probabilities_valid002[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid002)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
F1 score of the logistic regression model on the validation set: 0.25621414913957935 AUC-ROC score: 0.7691851507666725
# Logistic Regression, balanced
model_02 = LogisticRegression(random_state=19, solver='saga', class_weight='balanced', multi_class='multinomial'), target_train) # using balanced data for comparison
predictions02_valid = model_02.predict(features_valid)
f1_valid_02 = f1_score(target_valid, predictions02_valid)
"F1 score of the logistic regression model on the validation set:",
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid02 = model_02.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid02 = probabilities_valid02[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid02)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
F1 score of the logistic regression model on the validation set: 0.49613733905579394 AUC-ROC score: 0.7746936978797291
# Logistic Regression, not balanced, upsampled
model20 = LogisticRegression(random_state=19, solver='saga', multi_class='multinomial'), target_upsampled) # upsampled data
predictions20_valid = model20.predict(features_valid)
f1_valid20 = f1_score(target_valid, predictions20_valid)
"F1 score of the logistic regression model on the validation set:",
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid20 = model20.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid20 = probabilities_valid20[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid20)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
F1 score of the logistic regression model on the validation set: 0.4923857868020305 AUC-ROC score: 0.7747747059255092
# Logistic Regression
model2 = LogisticRegression(random_state=19, solver='saga', class_weight='balanced', multi_class='multinomial'), target_upsampled) # using balanced, upsampled data
predictions2_valid = model2.predict(features_valid)
f1_valid2 = f1_score(target_valid, predictions2_valid)
"F1 score of the logistic regression model on the validation set:",
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid2 = model2.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid2 = probabilities_valid2[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid2)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
F1 score of the logistic regression model on the validation set: 0.4965635738831615 AUC-ROC score: 0.7747074539629748
Results are improved with balancing and upsampling. The F1 score increases drastically with class weight balancing, and a little more with upsampling. Therefore, balanced weight classes are directly proportional to higher F1 scores in this model.
# Random Forest, unbalanced, not upsampled (2 min run)
best_model = None
best_result = 0
best_est = 0
best_depth = 0
for est in range(500, 800, 50):
for depth in range (700, 1001, 100):
model_003 = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=19, n_estimators=est, max_depth=depth), target_train) # using unbalanced data for comparison
predictions_valid_003 = model_003.predict(features_valid)
result_003 = f1_score(target_valid, predictions_valid_003)
if result_003 > best_result:
best_model = model_003
best_result = result_003
best_est = est
best_depth1 = depth
print("F1 of the best model on the validation set:", best_result, "n_estimators:", best_est, "best_depth:", depth)
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid003 = model_003.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid003 = probabilities_valid003[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid003)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
F1 of the best model on the validation set: 0.5617283950617283 n_estimators: 500 best_depth: 1000 AUC-ROC score: 0.8555978088087843
# Random Forest, balanced, not upsampled (2 min run)
best_model = None
best_result = 0
best_est = 0
best_depth = 0
for est in range(500, 800, 50):
for depth in range (700, 1001, 100):
model_03 = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=19, class_weight='balanced', n_estimators=est, max_depth=depth), target_train) # using unbalanced data for comparison
predictions_valid_03 = model_03.predict(features_valid)
result_03 = f1_score(target_valid, predictions_valid_03)
if result_03 > best_result:
best_model = model_03
best_result = result_03
best_est = est
best_depth1 = depth
print("F1 of the best model on the validation set:", best_result, "n_estimators:", best_est, "best_depth:", depth)
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid03 = model_03.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid03 = probabilities_valid03[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid03)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
F1 of the best model on the validation set: 0.5246422893481716 n_estimators: 500 best_depth: 1000 AUC-ROC score: 0.8574204898388397
# Random Forest, not balanced, upsampled (2 min run)
best_model = None
best_result = 0
best_est = 0
best_depth = 0
for est in range(200, 400, 20):
for depth in range (900, 1001, 50):
model3 = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=19, n_estimators=est, max_depth=depth), target_upsampled) # using balanced, upsampled data
predictions_valid3 = model3.predict(features_valid)
result3 = f1_score(target_valid, predictions_valid3)
if result3 > best_result:
best_model = model3
best_result = result3
best_est = est
best_depth1 = depth
print("F1 of the best model on the validation set:", best_result, "n_estimators:", best_est, "best_depth:", depth)
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid3 = model3.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid3 = probabilities_valid3[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid3)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
F1 of the best model on the validation set: 0.5842391304347826 n_estimators: 360 best_depth: 1000 AUC-ROC score: 0.8495825792961776
# Random Forest, balanced, upsampled (2 min run)
best_model = None
best_result = 0
best_est = 0
best_depth = 0
for est in range(200, 400, 20):
for depth in range (900, 1001, 50):
model30 = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=19, class_weight='balanced', n_estimators=est, max_depth=depth), target_upsampled) # using balanced, upsampled data
predictions_valid30 = model30.predict(features_valid)
result30 = f1_score(target_valid, predictions_valid30)
if result3 > best_result:
best_model = model30
best_result = result30
best_est = est
best_depth1 = depth
print("F1 of the best model on the validation set:", best_result, "n_estimators:", best_est, "best_depth:", depth)
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_valid30 = model30.predict_proba(features_valid)
probabilities_one_valid30 = probabilities_valid30[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_valid, probabilities_one_valid30)
print('AUC-ROC score:', auc_roc)
# final_model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=19, n_estimators=320, max_depth=10000)
#, target_train)
F1 of the best model on the validation set: 0.578082191780822 n_estimators: 220 best_depth: 1000 AUC-ROC score: 0.8531966080555623
Results are slightly better using the upsampled data. This model has the best F1 score, therefore we will use it for our final model.
# Final model F1 score
final_model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=19, n_estimators=360, max_depth=1000), target_upsampled)
final_prediction = final_model.predict(features_test)
print(f1_score(final_prediction, target_test))
Final model uses 360 estimators and a max depth of 1,000. The F1 score meets our threshold of 0.59.
# AUC-ROC score
probabilities_test = final_model.predict_proba(features_test)
probabilities_one_test = probabilities_test[:, 1]
auc_roc = roc_auc_score(target_test, probabilities_one_test)
# visual of AUC ROC
fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(target_test, probabilities_one_test)
roc_data = {'fpr': fpr, 'tpr': tpr, 'thresholds': thresholds}
fig = px.line(roc_data, x='fpr', y='tpr', labels={'x':'False Positive Rate', 'y': 'True Positive Rate'},
title=f'AUC ROC Curve (AUC={auc_roc:.3f})')
Area under the curve is greater than 0.50, which would be the value of a random model. The AUC-ROC is greater than a random model.
We were able to make a model that could predict whether a Beta Bank customer would churn. Using the key numeric features, and a few categorical features, we were able to train our model to achieve an F1 score of 0.594 on our test set. This F1 score is above the metric of a random model, which would have an F1 score of 0.5. Looking at other metrics, we see our model is relatively accurate, at 0.851 with the test data. Based on the results of the classification report, we had greater precision and recall predicting when a customer would not churn. The model was fairly precise in predicting churn, and weak when it came to recalling churn. This means the model was not good at predicting most of the customers that would churn. Since F1 is a measure of precision and accuracy, our F1 score appears low. However, we achieved our 0.59 target with our test set. Furthermore, our AUC-ROC metric determines how much our model differs from a random model with an AUC-ROC of 0.50. An AUC-ROC score of 0.848 means our model is better at predicting churn than chance. Overall, Beta Bank can use this model to predict which customers will not churn. From there, they can determine the features that may contribute to a customer staying with them, in order to retain much more customers. Alternatively, this model can predict a decent portion of customers that would churn. We suggest more data is collected, with more features that could contribute to customers churning. Another way of improving the model would be to be to see if the max depth approaches a limit. Data without missing tenures would also aid in improving the results, as well as more balanced data on churned customers.